1965 - What Were We Sewing (or not)?


Woman's Weekly magazine was well known for home-making patterns. Knitting patterns were its forte, but there was always an item of clothing to be sewn too. This 1965 issue leads with a dress to make yourself - using one of their own Fleetway patterns. That they had their own pattern department shows that home dressmaking was not yet out of fashion. 

Here's the 1 1/2 page spread inside. Note that they had a partnership with Bentalls to supply the fabric as modelled. It makes it easy and therefore possibly lucrative for both parties. 

But then look back to near the beginning of the magazine:

Here we have an advert for a bargain buy dress from Etam. According to their website they had just begun selling ready to wear clothes in 1963. It looks to be a simple design, one that a competent dressmaker could probably have a good go at herself. But here they are, taking the bother out of it for not much more cost. Here we have the early evidence of the reason for the ESCC's struggle to sell dressmaking supplies from the late 1960s onwards.


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