The Curious Tale of Lisnaskea


It comes a surprise to find that Sylko threads were manufactured in Northern Ireland for a time - not a location you would expect of the English Sewing Cotton Company. 

The story of the Lisnaskea Mill began in 1952, when the decision to build a brand new, up to the minute mill, was publicly announced. With a floor space of 150,000 square feet, it was projected to provide employment to 180 men and 145 women. It seems that the project had government backing, and was intended to bring a little prosperity to this Ulster backwater. By 1960, local newspapers were being invited in to report on the manufacture of Sylko cotton there. 

"With an experienced skill, these workers spin the yarn used in the manufacture of Sylko to the exacting standards of the groups' thread experts."

All went well until February 1980, by which time Tootal had control of the ESCC. A modernisation plan was announced for Lisnaskea, with the unfortunate loss of tens of jobs, in order to secure the future of everyone else's. Simultaneously, ESCC mill closures in Stockport and Swinton were announced, citing old fashioned buildings as the reason. Lisnaskea's modernity saved it...for the time being. Apparently the mill finally closed in 2001, long after the end of the Sylko reel it was so proud of.

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